
Little Stories

There is no comparible game which is so simple in its rules but so hard to play as Backgammon. But once you have started to discover its secrets you get addicted to it.

Bill Robertie, Backgammon double worldchampion, is a system analyst in his main profession. Even other Backgammon players work in similar professions. Why? Played on its highest level, Backgammon is not only a game of fortune but a game of probability. It requires logical and mathematical thinking as well as expirience and intuition.

Old Wisdom about Backgammon:
"It's easy to play a good game - but think of a bad one and try to make it better!"

Wise Saying:
"To win or loose a game is not so important than the way how to play a game is."

Thomas of Aquin:
"Playing in human life is of same importance as resting is."

Friedrich Froebel:
"The source of all good lies in playing."

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